Club Championships 2023 - BAGCATS- Results for Session 3 and 4
24 May 2023
Dear All,
Well done to all swimmers who competed tonight in our last Club Champs session of 2023, some great racing in both the Bagcats and Diddy competitions tonight.
The results for tonight's session 3 and Sunday’s session 4 are attached.
A huge thank you to all the volunteers who helped tonight and on the other club Champs nights- we can not run these events without all your generous support.
A special thank you to all the coaches who have worked hard getting the swimmers race ready.
The overall positions for the competitions will be calculated in the next few weeks and each swimmer will be presented with a personalized trophy at our Annual Presentation Evening on Friday 7th July. A flyer with further information and how to get tickets will be sent out later this week.
Again well done to all swimmers who competed in the Bagcats and Diddys.
Best regards,
Tony West
On behalf of Bramcote Swim Committee
Gala Results
Bramcote SC Club Champs Results 21st May 2023.pdf
Bramcote SC Club Champs Results 23rd May 2023 .pdf